Dear BIAM Community,
I would normally address my messages to colleagues separately, but today I am writing to everyone who makes up our Institutes community to reinforce the importance of our inclusive ethos.
The growing levels of anxiety about the spread of the Coronavirus is giving rise to some behaviours that are unhelpful, and in some cases, deeply shocking.
Can I please ask you to take a minute to consider the impact that the current situation is likely to be having and keep up to date with the latest information available and the UK Governments response to COVID-19 at the link below:
It is also essential that we come together to support our staff students colleagues and stakeholders during this distressing time.
In the words of Professor Brian Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor and President of the Australian National University: ‘viruses don’t discriminate. And neither do we.’
It is vital that we find the right balance between efficiency in terms of taking every precaution to halt the spread of the virus and concern for the emotional wellbeing of the people we work alongside on a daily basis.
As a College be assured that we have a team managing the situation and taking the appropriate actions to keep you all as safe as we can. They will continue to provide information about how we can all sensibly protect ourselves.
Finally, can I ask that we all keep some perspective? We have only two identified cases of the Coronavirus in the UK and the level of threat to individuals has not increased – only the Government’s preparedness.
We are one College and one community and when things are difficult this is when we most need to come together to support each other.
Best wishes,
Professor Maher Almasri